Elena Landinez é uma artista visual latino-americana. Sua prática explora a relação entre o mundo humano e o mundo mais que humano. Marcada e inspirada no movimento das águas e dos sonhos, a sua poética é um convite a pensar novos caminhos a partir da imaginação, é um apelo a sonharmos juntos e inventar outras histórias.
Elena também participa como artista residente e produtora cultural em diversas residências artísticas e cenas culturais na América Latina, como Residencia en la Tierra. (Armênia, Colômbia), Residência Urbano Rural. (Crac, Valparaíso, Chile), Residência Prêmio TAC. Terra Una (Minas de Gerais. Brasil) Residência Práticas de Encantamento da Matéria, Goethe Institut. (Salvador, Brasil) Residência Piratas do Amor (Baía de Camamu, Bahia).
Atualmente, ela é Art Fellow do MOTH no NYU Center for Human Rights. Como parte de sua bolsa, Elena desenvolveu o design de imagem e arte para o MOTH (projeto More Than Human Rights).
Originária de Barranquilla, Colômbia, mora em Salvador, Brasil.
Retrato: Alice Arida - alicearida.art
Since 2013, Elena has lived in Salvador, Brazil and works as a visual artist in different cultural scenes, residencies and projects. In 2021, she creates and coordinates the project “Where is Eckenberger?” Inventory of a lifetime: an invitation to enter the personal collection in the studio of artist Reinaldo Eckenberger (1938 - 2018, artist from Argentina - Germany - Bahia). In 2022, she held a solo exhibition “Ventanas de Mares” at the Instituto Cervantes Salvador, a dialogue with the sea, time and dreams, created from memories and fragments collected on different beaches, seas and bays.
Currently she works on the creation of artwork and design for the research group, ERA, Earth Rights Advocacy and MOTH, More Than Human Rights, at NYU University, New York, USA.
The stories I invent marked as oracles, find paths, people, clues, prints, dances, of a humanity portrayed by the traces of unimportance, garbage and other microcosms. Just as science discovers lives, I also invent other possibilities of existence, creating hybrids between living beings and transport machines, between human beings and plant beings, animals and invisible beings. The universes that I create comes from within each being or sometimes from a dream that reveals itself at bedtime.
My work consists of two practices: fieldwork, an intuitive and oracular research, taking these mechanisms of listening and action:
1. travel, displacement or movement (walking, dancing, diving, swimming) mechanisms of connection with the surroundings.
2. the collection, collection and cataloging of tracks, human and non-human; rubbish, garbage and other microorganisms.
3. time travel through paper: having the notebook as a place of study, a witness to a present.